All hail Nobuo Uematsu (did I get that name right?), one of the greatest composers of all time! Seriously, I can't decide who I like better, him for One-Winged Angel, or John Williams for the Imperial March...
I tend to use the actual name of the piece on this page, it's the one place where I will say 'Aerith' for any reason. Don't bug me about spelling. If ya have a problem with it, then too friggin' bad.
They're virus-free, I checked. Go ahead, enjoy yourself.
Ya know, this one page will be flooded with files, since I have well over a hundred MIDI on my PC...of course, the people who created them didn't give them descriptive names, so I have to listen to it, and often the file itself is compete crap. Oy...don't know why on Earth they just couldn't label it right, instead of gibberish...ick.
Send any MIDIS I don't have or cool versions of the ones I do have!
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I know for a fact that this one has been the opening theme in practically every FF game. I believe it's called 'Crystal Theme', right? My knowledge of FF is limited to VII, Legend 3 (Game Boy), and Adventure (also Game Boy), and VI. Still, this is a nice track, and calming, too. This is actually a good version of it. Rating: 8.
This is from the opening video. Rated 10, for it's smooth blend of flavor and texture. No, wait, for its melding of quiet symphony with something sounding urgent and dangerous. That's right.
Would this be classed as that Industrial music I've heard about? It sounds pretty industrious...Rated 10. Don't bug me about the spelling, I'm giving the actual names as much as possible.
This here is one of the most eerie melodies from the game. It's creepy, but nice. Reminds me of Tifa (ugh!)...and of course those hooded guys...'' Now THEY had the right idea! The hooded robes, the acting as though Seph was God, these guys inspired me to do two pictures of Sephie in robes holding silver ankhs. Cool. But they're all dead. Who cares? Rated: 9, for its similarity to the actual music, except for the tinkly bit at the end..
Yeah, it's Tifa. Ick. You know, in Ehrgeiz, she's REALLY creepy...they're almost...surrealistic. Don't know what I'm talking about? Well, what does Tifa show off when she wins a battle? Right. Those. Rated 7
You hear this but once, when you wake up in the AVALANCHE hideout. I like it. 10
A wonderful version of 'One-Winged Angel' done by someone who frequents this site, it is the first fan-submitted MIDI I've got! Rated 10!
This file is absolutely fabulous! It sounds like what it is, and it's nice and different. So it's a 10
One-Winged Angel piano
This one is a very evil and exciting one. Sure, the boss you're fighting looks dumb, but the music is really cool! But Jenova-SYNTHESIS, how would it live? It's basically a hollowed out beach ball...I don't know. Who cares? It just creates this feeling of urgency in your mind...that's sort of why I like it... Rated 10.
YEAH! I found a *GOOD* MIDI of this, at long last! It's almost EXACTLY like what it is in the game. Yay! Rated 2000!
Here we have the music for the third last boss, Bizzaro Sephiroth, that before Savior Sephiroth. The boss looks cool, the music is sweet. A 10, for sure. The opening needs work but the rest is great. Although, it IS too long. Ten minutes of MIDI Birth of the God is too many minutes. If it was an MP3, however...
We all know what this is! it's playing when Seph goes off the deep end, and practically every time he appears. Although this MIDI will never do it justice, it's here for your listening pleasure. It's rated 10. It IS Sephiroth's theme, but it has a neato name.
I think we can all agree that this MIDI sounds very sinister. But, like all the music from FFVII, it's so cool you can hardly believe it! I can't say that the name rolls off the tip of the tongue, but is is interesting. The blending of what seems to be a synthesiser and stuff is very neat...Rated 10, of course. But some of the notes are too short, and the...flourishes are too big. Trust me, I'm a connisieur of evil FFVII music, and I know what I'm talking about.
And now we come down to it, folks. The most heart-rending piece is right in the link below. Need I say more? We should all know what that is, except those who haven't finished Disc One, although they have heard it once, in Aeris' house, when Elmyra tells the party about Aeris' past... To rate it less that 10 would be a shame.
This one here is really sounds so damn eerie and stuff. And the name is really cool. And the music is in a rally cool place. It's just cool, dammit! Anyway, here you have...
When Cloud and date are in the gondoloa at Gold Saucer...
Rating: 9.
It's at the temple of the Ancients...
Anyhoos, this sounds really...well, alien. I dunno, it just seems so strange. Oh, well. Rated 10. sounds sort of...sleeping. D'oh! Can't I think of anything better to say than that? No. Too bad, so sad, it's rated 6...
This is the track I originally thought was Aerith's Theme! But now I know better. Yes, this version of is isn't that great, but it's honestly the only one I could find, and I have more than a hundred FFVII MIDIs on my PC and I've looked online...Anyway, it's rated 10. Duh.
Much like the file below. Of course, I like it, Cid is one of the...spicier...characters, and he has a few lines you can never forget.
'Sit down and drink your goddamned TEA!'
And that of course brings to mind another hilarious quote:
'Oooh, and put in lots of honey, and butter, and oh, don't forget the lard!'
Ugh. 'Palmer, you fat &%@#!' Oh well. Rated 8.
Here's a very emotional piece that I'm sure will set the old heartstrings a tuggin'. It's! His dreams have finally arrived, but...
Anyway, here it is. I rate it 10. It'd be a shame to rate it otherwise.
The most fun vehicle in the whole friggin' game. Rated 10.
Now, a very sinister feeling file...It seems sad, yet spooky... I dunno, it just seems really cool to me... I like it a lot, so I'll give it a 10. Damn cool name as well.
She's annoying. She's immature. She's the daughter of a god (all the signs point to it!). She's Yuffie Kisaragi, and her music dosen't suit her one bit. It's too bouncy and playful, and that dosen't befit her ninja style. I like the music a bit, I hate her to death, but there are some standards, and this dosen't reach them, which is why I rate it : 5.
This is Yuffie-related (it's a variation of her theme), and so it goes here. I like this FAR more than her actual theme music. At first I thought this was Don Corneo music...Rated 10. I really like it. An ideas as to the name?
One of the few members of AVALANCHE I actually like, Red XIII, or Nanaki as he'll be revealed ... crap, I'm doing it again, aren't I? Sorry for spoiling...
Anyway, his music is really mysterious and tribal and stuff. Yes, everyone says it. But it's true. Rating: 10.
And where he once lived, known as Cosmo Canyon. A place of all races. How nice. And it reminds me of Buganhagen. Heehee! he's cool...
Rated 10.
Speaking of Buganhagen, here's his odd little theme. Well, actually it's in his little observatory, and it sounds much like the Introduction, but oh well. Buganhagen is one of the more interesting side chracters, with his 'Hoo hoo hoooo.' and his wierd little floating ability. I'm using 'little' a lot here, aren't I? Oh well. Rated 10.
I have to put this in! It's a sentimental little moment, but makes you wonder one tiny little thing...why wouldn't Red just use a 'Soft' on poor ol' Seto? Why wouldn't Cloud use a Phoenix Down on Aeri...Ahrgh, I've done it AGAIN! Sorry. rated 10. Name undecided.
On the other end of the scale, we have something evil. Very evil. Theyre all-powerful, they rule the Planet, and they want to kill poor Sephiroth, which makes me think that the vast majority should be shot on sight! They're Shin-Ra, and this track is theirs. Rating: 7. Name unknown...
These characters are too cool for words. My third favorite character is one of them, and their music is so kawaii! Your fingers just start snapping. Rating: 10. Does anyone know what this music is called?
I know, Cait Sith is in AVALANCHE. But remember, Reeve is in Shin-Ra. So I've classed is as Shin-Ra music. Live with it.
Rating: 9
Yay! This is when you get to force Cloud to go in drag! Soon enough, he'll be having the underwater orgy, the Transylvanian convention, the freaky sidekicks...It'll be Cloud N. Furter! ...To any people who don't get that, watch the Rocky Horror Picture Show. Now. Rated 9. I'm not sure of the name...
This track is very humorous. It waddles about, foolishly, as though it's model 'Dosen't know what he's doing'. If that wasn't clue enough, he once hit on Cloud, if you do things right, and he's very suspicious, and also very dead. I dislike the character, but I love the music. He's Don Corneo, and he gets a 10. . .
...or else we'll have a SQUASHED TOMATOES!!!!!!
~ Don Corneo
This one is nice and calming. It's before the Meteor Crisis, and is much like the track, 'Highwind Takes to the Skies'. I like it. I give it a 7. A LOT of world map music is bad (VIII, IX, and others) but this is great...
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